We, 25.10.13:30-14:15
TV & Streaming

Yellow Stage

Documentaries – the new "blockbusters"?

Documentaries are "in. A public broadcaster like ARD consistently focuses on documentaries; they are public value "at its best". But commercial platforms are also searching intensively for attractive documentary material. Productions are becoming more elaborate, more ambitious, more sensational. Where is the journey heading? Will historical material be more attractive to younger audiences, or will broadcasters and platforms score points with nature films? How political, how investigative, how critical can films be? Who are the players on the German and international markets? And is there an end to the boom in sight? Questions for experts from the genre. They also dare to look ahead: Are event documentaries the blockbusters of the future?

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08:30 - 08:25
Thomas Hinrichs Christine Strobl Björn Böhning Dr. Christoph Schneider
14:10 - 14:15
Prof. Dr. Insa Sjurts