Th, 26.10.19:00-20:00
Social Media
Politik & Gesellschaft

Yellow Stage

Hanns Seidel Foundation Influencer Award for Politics

The Hanns Seidel Foundation is awarding the prize "Political Influencers in Social Media" as part of the Munich Media Days 2023. The prize is endowed with a total of 6,000 euros and is awarded in various categories. With this award, Hanns Seidel Foundation wants to give an impulse for good quality social media content in the field of politics. "We want to award influencers who present politics in a modern and comprehensible way and explain complex topics in a clear way," Markus Ferber, MEP, Chairman of Hanns Seidel Foundation, sums it up. "Ideally, political influencers provide an impetus to engage with politics, thereby arousing interest and motivating interested parties to become active," adds jury chairman Dr. Jonas Schützeneder, Professor of Journalism and Digital Innovation at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. The detailed terms and conditions for the call for entries are also available at:

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19:00 - 20:00
Markus Ferber Dr. Thorsten Schmiege Prof. Dr. Jonas Schützeneder
19:00 - 20:00
Florian Schwegler