Fr, 27.10.10:00-11:00

Red Stage

Europe Day

Opening, welcome and keynote

This year, the Munich Media Days are taking place under the motto "Intelligence. This opens up a wide range of opportunities for intensive discussion on various topics relevant to the media - depending on the adjective that precedes the motto. Ubiquitous at the moment is the debate about "Artificial Intelligence", both in terms of opportunities and risks for media and recipients; "Business Intelligence" is the issue in the business world of Big Data, "Predictive Intelligence" in decision-making. That the "human dimension" of intelligence should not be neglected in all this is shown by debates about algorithmic discrimination and selection of media content. This year's Europe Day at Medientage München is consequently about "Regulatory Intelligence" - a buzzword that is not yet widespread, but which the media sector will also be guided by in the coming years. In view of the abundance of new legislative initiatives at national and European level, intelligent regulation - lawmaking and law enforcement - will be required in order to ensure consistency, coherence, legal certainty and effectiveness. This applies to legislators, regulatory authorities, the judiciary as well as media players. Challenges in this respect include the (proposed) European Media Freedom Act for the future EU media law framework, the Digital Services Act about to become applicable in its implementation by regulators, courts, platforms, and developments in artificial intelligence, as well as the appropriate response from a regulatory perspective. Addressing threats and spaces for innovation as well as national and European perspectives need to be reconciled. The Europatag is dedicated to these topics and, as usual, offers space for an open and enriching discussion. This year's Europe Day will again be organized in the traditional cooperation of the Institute for European Media Law (EMR) and the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM).

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10:05 - 10:40
Eröffnung des Europatages Prof. Dr. Stephan Ory Dr. Thorsten Schmiege
10:00 - 10:20
10:20 - 11:00
Regulierung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Europa und Mitgliedstaat Dr. Susanne Raab