Th, 26.10.11:15-12:00
TV & Streaming
Künstliche Intelligenz

Green Stage

Deep Analytics for Video Offerings

AI to Optimize the Customer Journey

What are customers interested in, what content works when and in what format? Complex data analyses can generate surprising insights. However, the path to clear data-based recommendations is arduous, is it worth it? Or is the programmer's gut feeling the better way? Where does AI-based personalization make sense, what do customers want, and how can we provide them with relevant insights into new and surprising content? Our panel of experts will assess current developments and discuss opportunities and options for the future.

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11:15 - 11:55
Nicole Agudo Berbel Thomas Dauser Dr. Marc Egger Dr. Christoph Mayer
11:55 - 12:00
Klaus Böhm
11:15 - 12:00
Dr. Christoph Mayer