You can find everything that keeps media professionals busy on this page. Pictures, videos, our podcasts and press releases.
Pictures #MTM23
Here you can find pictures of the MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN 2023
Credit: Medien.Bayern GmbH
Photographers: Janine Riekehr, Alexander von Spreti, David-Pierce Brill
Pictures #FuVi23
Photographer: Alexander von Spreti
Credit: Medien.Bayern GmbH
Pictures #MTM22
Here you can find impressions of the #MTM22.
Podcast (German)
MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN for your ears: Every week in the This is Media NOW Podcast, we take a look at a key topic that moves the media industry - from influencer marketing and media policy to the state of journalism worldwide.
During MEDIENTAGE MÜNCHEN there will be summaries of the individual conference days
Find the most recent episodes here
Sign up for our newsletter here. (German)