Th, 26.10.13:30-14:30
Politik & Gesellschaft
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Media Idol Stage

Award Ceremony

ARD/ZDF Promotional Award 23 "Women + Media Technology"

Putting talented women in technology in the spotlight - that has been the goal of the ARD/ZDF "Women + Media Technology" sponsorship award since 2009. Every year, three female award winners are honoured whose outstanding theses highlight current technical challenges and corresponding groundbreaking solutions for AV and online media. For the first time, the award ceremony will take place at the MEDIENTAGEN MÜNCHEN, where the winners of the 2023 competition will be presented in conversation with the laudators and in video portraits.

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13:30 - 13:35
Michael Eberhard Dr. Thorsten Schmiege Prof. Dr. Birgit Spanner-Ulmer
13:40 - 13:45
Mjellma Çitaku Dr. Susanna Schwarzmann Dr. Sandra Severin
13:50 - 13:55
Anja Koebel