Th, 26.10.12:10-12:30

Yellow Stage

The Power of Audio

Bringing television into a podcast - who could do it better than Anja Rützel? She gained recognition through her TV columns in SPIEGEL, where she writes clever, witty, and sharp commentary about television. Her love-hate relationship with trash TV is legendary. However, not only as an author but also as a podcaster, Anja Rützel has already made a name for herself. What she can do at the keyboard, she also demonstrates behind the microphone in her show "Verbrechen am Fernsehen" (Crimes on Television): she is smart, funny, and quick-witted. With changing guests, she thoroughly dissects the TV landscape with relish. We talk to her, among other things, about why one should absolutely utilize the podcast medium to discuss television and what excites and fascinates her about audio formats.

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12:10 - 12:30
Anja Rützel
12:25 - 12:30
Andreas Horchler