We, 25.10.16:30-17:00
TV & Streaming

Red Stage

Strategy Update: What are MediaForEurope's plans? What are PPF Groups's plans?

Since entering the German market, both the international holding company MFE - MediaForEurope, which emerged from the Italian Mediaset Group, and the Czech financial investor PPF have repeatedly made headlines. The #MTM23 not only talk about, but in two individual interviews with MFE and PPF. Katharina Behrends, General Manager at MFE for the German-speaking region, and Didier Stoessel, Chief Investment Officer at PPF, explain one after the other in an interview with Torsten Zarges what strategies their groups are pursuing and what else they have planned beyond their investments in ProSiebenSat.1.


16:30 - 17:00
Katharina Behrends
16:30 - 16:55
Didier Stoessel
16:55 - 17:00
Torsten Zarges