Bayerische Medien Technik | Meet Our Partners @MTM22

How do you and your company contribute to the relevance and quality of the media?

As service provider for Bavarian local TV stations, we ensure that all local TV programmes are delivered reliably from our playout centre, fed into the various distribution networks and used by viewers on all TV platforms, both linear and non-linear. For commercial radio in Bavaria, we operate the largest infrastructure for FM broadcasting with 180 antennas and 230 transmitters.

Welche gesellschaftspolitischen Debatten und welche technologischen Entwicklungen bewegen Sie derzeit am meisten?

Misinformation, echo chambers and digital transformation are challenges of this time. It is important to push technical developments so that high-quality local and national content can be distributed economically, easily found and used without barriers and independent of time.

Was werden Sie mit Ihrem Unternehmen bei den #MTM22 vorstellen?

As a partner of the DVB-I pilot Germany, we will present a new initiative for a future-proof television experience. We will show how structured service lists enable a unified user interface for low-delay streaming, traditional broadcast and many options for additional services. DVB-I is as user-friendly and reliable as traditional TV broadcasting on TV sets and can be streamed to any device with internet access and a media player, including SmartTVs, tablets and smartphones. In addition, we present the local TV portal in a new design, as an app for Samsung, LG and Android TV. On the fields of radio, we present how a mix of information and music can be configured in the receiver with digital radio announcements.


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