Fr, 25.10.13:30-14:15
Politik & Gesellschaft

Green Stage

Where will all of this take us?

Visionary insights into future visions for media and society


In a time when technology and artificial intelligence increasingly shape our daily lives, the question of the future of our society and the media landscape becomes ever more pressing. Monika Bielskyte, a passionate futurist and renowned future designer, will offer fascinating insights into culturally expansive, socially, and ecologically engaged future visions in this keynote. With her visionary approach, Bielskyte creates a space for dialogue on the complex relationship between real life and the exciting scenarios possible in a future shaped by technology and innovation. Her perspectives open new avenues not only for understanding the impact of media and technology on society but also for actively promoting positive global change for the future. This panel invites you to join Monika Bielskyte in reflecting on how we can shape media and technology to create a more sustainable, inclusive, and future-oriented world. Be inspired and discover transformative approaches that will help us meet the challenges of tomorrow.


13:30 - 14:15
Monika Bielskyte
13:30 - 14:15


Speaker in diesem Panel