Fr, 27.10.10:40-11:00
Social Media

Yellow Stage

When the (filter) bubble bursts

How TikTok dangerously manipulates journalistic content for Gen Z

A filter bubble - imaginable like a circle of friends who only give you praise and never criticism for your own, often reckless decisions. In the age of social media feeds, they are probably one of the most dangerous social phenomena of our time. One platform in particular stands out time and again: TikTok. It promotes downward spirals of depressive and often politically motivated content - providing a clear field for activists to inspire Generation Z with radical opinions. How publishers can keep up with the modern storytelling techniques of right-wing channels and what the platform needs to change to get closer to its own goal of "bringing joy" will be reported by 21-year-old Charles Bahr in his keynote.


10:40 - 10:45
Charles Bahr
10:55 - 11:00
Alicia Fricke