Fr, 25.10.11:15-12:00
Politik & Gesellschaft

Red Stage

EMFA: Countdown from Brussels for national media regulation?

With the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), which came into force in May 2024, the EU has taken a self-confident step towards harmonisation in a territory that was previously largely reserved for member state media regulation. 8 August 2025 marks the final day of its application, with a few exceptions to previously applicable rules. Despite its nature as a directly applicable regulation, it contains a number of design tasks for both member states and regulatory bodies under the umbrella of partly general and partly very detailed objectives. Media service providers must take precautions to fulfil their own obligations and promote the rights of users, but also to benefit from privileges under the EMFA. Not only will new structures have to be created, but existing ones will also have to be reviewed for their compatibility with the EMFA.

This panel will discuss the challenges and to-do's that legislators, media regulators and media services will have to overcome in the coming months.

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